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Self-Care Approach

Micheline believes in self-care, self-love, and self-nurturing. Let’s edify and empower you with better self-care practices and tips. What is our Self-Care Approach?

Inspirational Joyful Thought

“What does my Spirit need and desire?” When you feel hurst or bruised, find ways to comfort your Spirit and protect it from harm. Also, remember to bring joy to your Spirit daily - this is the importance of self-care. “The Force of Vitamin Spirit is with you!” An affirmation Quote from Dr. Robin Smith and her book “Inspirational Vitamins, A Guide to Personal Empowerment” from the Spirit section.

Image by Ray Hennessy

Body, Mind, Soul and Heart of Self Care


Self-Care is the action of time spent, or act of self in taking care of one’s own body, mind, soul and heart to rejuvenate, restore, recharge, renew, relax and reflect by aligning together Body, Mind, Soul and Heart in balance and to maintain harmony for optimal well-being.


The Body is the physical choices honoring Self-Care includes fitness, exercise, nutrition, sleep, relationships and intimacy.


The Mind is the mental and emotional choices honoring Self-Care includes mindfulness awareness, acceptance of feelings, our egos, thoughts and ability to cope with stress and stressors in daily living.


The Soul is the spiritual choices honoring Self-Care includes consciousness, values, beliefs and relational understanding of how you matter in the world and your existence within the universe.


The Heart is an all-encompassing choice honoring Self-Care includes love, compassion, intuition, empathy, self-awareness, and social awareness for humankind.


De-stress with Self-Care using a 6 steps process to align the body, mind, soul and heart together:


  1. Rejuvenate * Return energy and vitality back into our systems from an unbalanced state. 

  2. Restore * Increase energy, free time and attention invested in nurturing and cultivating self.

  3. Recharge * Refresh and revive stamina, enthusiasm and breathe back new life and energy.

  4. Renew * Rid old; shed dead baggage; declutter and clear out chaos to allow in newness.

  5. Relax * Rest to give your body and primary senses a break from over-stimulation.

  6. Reflect * Breathe, meditate and pray on good vibrations, spirituality nutritious food (The Word) for the soul.


Heart in your wellness lifestyle

H – Healthy Foods and Nutrients

E – Exercise and Exhaling/Inhaling Breathwork

A – Antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, E, D)

R – Restrict and reduce Fat, Sugar, and Salt

T – Temperance is Self-Control, Calm, Patience, Even-tempered undisturbed Mind.


Faith and temperance are the life of health of the Body (flesh), Heart, and Spirit, which is one of the Fruits of the Spirit scriptures.


 ***Disclaimer: We highly recommend you consult your primary physician before starting any health regimen and treatment, including exercise, and taking herbal remedies or dietary supplements.

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